
This page lists all known issues along with their solutions.

« I don't have an extension folder »

If C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions or C:\Users\[NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions do not exist, create manually the first one.

« The extension panel is invisible »

Close After Effects and run the Add Keys.reg file.

« The extension panel is white »

It is because your After Effects version is too old. You need at least After Effects CC 2020 17.5.0. Or you can use uwu2x 6.0 or uwu2x 5.2 instead.

« The progress bar is loading indefinitely »

There are several possible solutions :
  • Try to select another GPU in the Settings tab : there is a graphical bug in the GPU list that sometimes causes the names to be swapped ;
  • If you have a NVIDIA gpu, try uwu2x 8.4 NVIDIA-optimized ;
  • Try without the upscale option, enable Smart Mode (Tools tab) ;
  • Your GPU might be too weak to run the extension or incompatible, use uwu2x 6.0 or uwu2x 5.2 instead.

« The progress bar is stuck at 0.00% »

The frames are being calculated. Please wait. If it is too slow, make sure the correct GPU is being used, using the Windows Task Manager.

« Where is the MP4 / video format »

The extension outputs PNG / JPG Sequences ; they act as videos in After Effects so it is fine :) With uwu2x 8.x, you can export processed clips as MP4 videos thanks to the Pack folder option in the Settings tab (under the Tools section).

« The processed clip is not smooth »

Make sure there are no dead frames in your clip. Sometimes, if the framerate of your composition is a floating number (like 29,97) it can create issues in the clip. If you do a huge slow motion with the timeremapp property, and there are not enough frames in your clip (even if you did a 16x interpolation), dead frames can appear. To automatically generate new ones, follow these steps :
  • 1 - Make sure the Stretch option is enabled (Settings tab of uwu2x) ;
  • 2 - Interpolate the clip with uwu2x, you can do 16x, and then 2x. The more frames you generate, the slower your slow motion can be without lagging ;
  • 3 - If there are not enough frames (the clip is lagging), add the Twixtor effect to the processed clip (don't edit the Speed, Framerate, or any parameters related to time) ;
  • 4 - Precompose the clip ;
  • precompose
  • 5 - Do your timeremapp stuff on the precomposed clip.

« I don't know how to use it »

Watch this little tutorial (the Twixtor part is useless) :

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